Google Fonts

Google Fonts

You may have noticed that this site uses some interesting hand written fonts to draw your attention and give the site a more personal appearance.

That is a Google Font known as Architects Daughter

Google has a variety of open source fonts that you are free to use on your website.
You can choose from around 400 different font here

Here is a link to video on how to select and install google fonts it only requires the most basic understanding of CSS.! (Be sure to watch this in 720p as the low resolution version is very hard to read.)

Basically, all you have to do is select the font you like. Copy the CSS link to your web page and add a very simple div class statement to your tag and an empty css description in your local style sheet. (Just watch the video it’s very easy.)

Check back shortly for an article on how to use google fonts in wordpress using fontific.

Please note : In the spirit of inclusivity and simply for comparison purposes I have chosen to use both Cufon and Google Fonts in this site. The <h1> heading on the top of the page is NOT a Google Font and is in fact an example of a Cufon font, a very different technology. Which is significantly more cumbersome to implement but it has the advantage of being locally hosted with the site. You can find out more about Cufon here.