This is my first post using the WordBooker plugin. Basically, WordBooker is a plug-in for WordPress, which links your blog to a Facebook account so when you make a post to your WordPress site, your Facebook wall is automatically updated with an extract of your post with links back to the original article. This saves you the time and effort of re-posting and provides an efficient incentive to develop content for your site as a priori to just posting something directly on Facebook.
Installation is fairly simple provided your running PHP5, WordPress Version 3.0 or greater, and Curl is enabled on your server. However, the configuration of the plugin is mildly intimidating. Since this is my first whack at it, I can only hope I have not made some egregious mistake. You can see the not inconsiderate configuration manual here. Once the plug-in has been installed and linked to your Facebook account, and you have configured it properly using the aforementioned manual, when you post a post (or page should you decide to configure it so) to your WordPress site your Facebook wall will be updated.
Pretty neat huh? If you currently host your own WordPress site you can download WordBooker here.
Configuration of the WordBooker Plugin is mildly involved. There are so many options it is easy to lost in the process however, if you keep it simple you will find it a fairly painless process. Again you will need to review the configuration manual which you will find at the bottom of the WordBooker Configuration page under the settings menu in your dashboard. Go through it step by step.
The first phase connecting to your Facebook account, is the easy part. Just click the Connect with Facebook link in the setup on the WordBooker options page.
Then click the Install Button on the Facebook WordPress integration panel that comes up.
Click Allow for all the permissions it will ask for.
And unless you are running your WordPress admin area with HTTPS (which isn’t a bad idea and should be a subject for another post) you will see the following warning. Again just click continue.
That’s pretty much it for the installation, tomorrow I will add a new section on how to configure it. Which is much trickier…