Exploration Insights

Exploration Insights is a subscription membership web site. Brent is an expert mining geologist and is well know in the investment community. His site offers the mineral and gold speculators independent and unbiased analysis of the junior mining and exploration market. It is written and produced on a weekly basis by Brent Cook, a veteran geologist and mining stock analyst.

Members pay $1900 a year for subscription, so security is very important. We have incorporated a sophisticated membership management system using the AbsolPublisher membership management system to create an easy to manage solution that provides recurring billing and many useful features including, automated rebilling, managed email subscriptions, even email warnings for clients who’s credit card is due to expire before the next renewal.

If you would like to integrate a professional design website theme with your current Content Management System please don’t hesitate to call us at 888-266-5449 or email me@armandgilbert.com