SEO for URLS Best Practices

SEO for URLS Best Practices

Choose a Good Keyword Relevant Domain Name

The single most important decision you can make in terms of SEO is the choice of your Domain Name. While it may appear tempting to get some abstruse poly-vowel name like the big guys. I recommend you consider carefully the advantages of getting a domain name that contains the keywords that directly relate to your business. After that the URL of your page content is probably the next most important SEO choice you have to make. URL is short for Universal Resource Locator, a vastly pretentious name for nothing more than the location of your web page on your site, e.g.

Use a Simple, Readable Page Structure

If you want to get the most bang for your SEO Buck in terms of naming your the web pages of your site, I suggest the following. Don’t use arcane computerized web page names like /?page=123 or xyz.html etc. Like this page. (Although, I recommend less subfolders, see below…) If you are using WordPress use permalinks. And make it as sensible and readable as possible.

Use Hyphens

Notice how much more readable /seo-for-urls/ is compared to /seoforurls/ Underscores(_) are acceptable but not to be preferred over hyphens (-) because… Google says so.

All URLs Must Be Lower Case

This is a good practice because in the World of Linux their is a world of difference between “World” and “world” so keep it simple and keep it all lower case.

Stop-Words Don’t Matter

Back in the day Stop Words were a big deal people recommended avoiding stop words (a, an, the) in URLs, but that doesn’t matter anymore. A URL just needs to make sense to human eyes.

Your Headlines Must be Relevant

If your headline says ’SEO for URLS Best Practices’ it may be useful to pair it with a simpler URL: seo-for-urls

Don’t Over Do The Page Name

Avoid long page names, keep it concise and relevant. Don’t bury your keywords at the end of a long page name.