E-Commerce Web Design Development & Marketing
Call Us Today For FREE No-Obligation Website/SEO Consultation 888-266-5449The atom hackable text editor is a far more flexible and useful code editor than say… Dreamweaver. If you would like to add capabilities to your editor there are many high quality packages you can add to the system via the internal package manager. Or you can use the command line to load a particular package directly. Navigate to the windows command learn. By...
Learn MoreOn a local server testing server not floating out in the wild you can grant everything and the kitchen sink to the user. However in a production environment … WordPress only needs the following: SELECT INSERT UPDATE Note some plugins and database updates may also require the following: DELETE CREATE ALTER INDEX DROP GRANT It is a good to follow a principle of Least...
Learn MoreChrist Church in San Gabriel Valley is a diocese under the care of Bishop Robert Collier of The American Catholic Church US. I built this and a companion site for the Church itself at a discounted rate of 50% off as they are charitable organization, doing good work in their community. Click here to see their website. If you have a charity, church or art you would like to...
Learn MoreChargebacks are a costly hassle for small businesses. They can happen for any number of reasons ranging from fraud, to dissatisfaction with the quality of good or service received. The process is designed to increase consumer confidence so it’s very easy for a credit card user to dispute a charge and the burden of proof to show that a customer has been rightfully...
Learn MoreSoundPros.com is a private membership only retail eCommerce web site for high end electronic entertainment equipment. This was necessitated by the competitive nature of the market and restrictions on offering online discounting some of the product lines. If you would like a reasonably priced functional web solution for your ecommerce business please don’t hesitate...
Learn MoreThe single most important decision you can make in terms of SEO is the choice of your Domain Name. After that the URL of your page content is probably the next most important SEO choice you have to make. URL is short for Universal Resource Locator, e.g. https://mysite.com/index.html.
Learn MoreThe most important thing to understand about security is that it is only good as your weakest link. And outside of gullible people, by far the weakest link in terms of security is the cell phone right next to you. This device is just INSANELY insecure. Think of it like a wide open personal computer you carry around in your pocket with access to all your important emails,...
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